... The game engine is terrible. There is no menu in battle. The art is crummy. The dialog is hard to follow because the characters speak with NO emotion at all. Typically I'd have advice for you but I can understand this would be your first and you're just learning so here's an idea for the next one you make; everything you did with this one is exactly what you DON'T do in the next one.
Alright I'll give a few pointers. First of all, for the graphics, use the shape tools. They make objects appear much cleaner and you'll get a lot more appreciation from the player.
For the story and dialog; please for the love-of-Christ... and future gamers, input some personality. Good rpg's don't require voice dialog because, since the characters have... character, you can hear what their voices would be like in your head. In order to do that you have to make some characters confident, some shy, some visibly old or young which can be accomplished very simply with 1 or 2 features, some sassy, some smart and intelligent, some humble. All these things contribute to what one would perceive to be someone's voice. If you've ever played Final Fantasy 7 before Advent Children came out then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
In the battle screen, make an actual menu with easy to spot buttons instead of just words on the screen. Also make a clear character section and a monster section. It seemed you just let everything run together. It seemed like you just pumped this thing out there and hoped for the best. As far as the button point goes, that same thing should be applied to... any other situation that requires you to push the mouse button on a specific spot on the screen. Instead of just words make a button.
NOOO MUSICCCC WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK. I'm a musician and would be happy to provide a few tracks for your next piece of work. That is a HUUUUGE must in an RPG. We need something to keep us stimulated and to set the mood for a specific area. Again, think Final Fantasy. When you're in the open world you get this music that sounds explorative. When you're in a small town you get a very calm, almost nostalgic music. When in a creepy or weird setting, guess what? Creepy weird music. When the bad guy appears, bad ass bad guy music plays. When you're doing something awesome, bad ass good guy music plays. Nobuo Uematsu is exceptionally good at capturing emotion in song and making you feel a specific way that correlates to your in-game surroundings.
All in all... terrible attempt. It boils down to one thing and one thing only... detail. Take your time, do it right, and... just do it better. You shouldn't be proud at all of this work.
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